1·l didn't really care about my mind and my body until they decided to go on strike.
2·Besides helping you feel close and connected to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a host of health benefits to your body and mind.
3·Would you mind taking care of my pet fish while I'm away on holiday?
4·Give up trying to have a flawless body, perfect face, or an impeccable wardrobe. Care more about beautifying your mind and being a person who takes beautiful actions.
5·I knew on one level that Dahlia loved me and just wanted to help, but always in the back of my mind I was inwardly embarrassed about needing so much care.
6·One forbidden question that comes to mind is, "Do you have to provide child care for children?
7·Kimono is a new luxury spa care line created to enhance the wellness of your skin, body and mind.
8·Keep the importance of health information, as stressed by Dr Shin, in mind, and exploit the capacity of primary health care to make your populations health-wise.
9·I kept comparing the mind to other parts of the body - the heart, the lungs, the liver - and telling them that it, too, can become unwell, that it, too, sometimes needs care and medicine.
10·She advised college graduates not to say things like, "I don`t mind whether the salary is big or small; I just care whether I can learn things in the company."
她建议大学毕业生们不要说 “我不介意工资的多少,只看重是否能在公司中学到东西”等诸如此类的话。